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Mission Planner Autotune

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Originally Posted by Oldgazer
It sounds like the Roll/Pitch PIDs are too high, so you may need to do some In flight Tuning to get this dialed in.
But before you do that, how do you have the aircraft setup? It looks like you are using a Cross (+) style motor layout with one motor at the BOW, and one at the STERN, when you should be using an X cofiguration with one motor to PORT and another motor to STARBOARD. If that is the case, Pixhawk is fighting the aircraft..
Thanks for the info! Very helpful. While I looked at that I realised I could AutoTune so I gave that a go. It seemed to be working but my battery failsafe is set very conservatively and interrupted it before it could finish. If the weather is calm again this evening i'll give it another go, one axis at at a time.
It's in X configuration - it's just the camera position that's off centre. I have a gimbal but for now was just using a 'stick' mount to hold it to one of the arms

Mission Planner Auto Tune 2017

Mission planner autotune

Antares Auto-tune

Aug 17, 2015  GitHub is home to over 40 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Mission Planner update for AC3.3 - Autotune Flight Mode (+log) and Standard Params #974. If I open a log of an AUto-Tune-Flight I do not see the AutoTune Flight Mode in the log. Dev c++ if command. Sep 11, 2014  Pixhawk Motor test - APM Planner 2.0. Had such hopes for it, but the safe way seems to be to stick wtih Windows-based Mission Planner as the most mature and consistently working 'planner' tool for APM family. Why did tpain use auto tune. I then turn to working on the default PID. And for that I make first use of Auto Tune which sometimes works great.

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