Functions of graphics.h C graphics using graphics.h functions or WinBGIM (Windows 7) can be used to draw different shapes, display text in different fonts, change colors and many more. Using functions of graphics.h in Turbo C compiler you can make graphics programs, animations, projects, and games. Micheal main modified BGI library for windows application to be used under MinGW. This BGI library is renamed as WinBGIm. Now you can use all the borland specific functions under Dev-C. Installation In order to run graphics programs under Dev-C you have. Download graphics.h to the include/ subdirectory of the Dev-C directories. Download libbgi.a to the lib/ In order to use the WinBGIm subdirectory of the Dev-C directories. Whenever you #include graphics.h in a program, you must instruct the linker to link in certain libraries.
C++ programming language is a versatile programming language. Using C++ you can create low end graphics too i.e. creating basic shapes and words with stylish fonts and adding colors to them can be done using c++.
Graphic programming can be done in c++ using your terminal or command prompt or you can download DevC++ compiler to create graphic programs.
For terminal you need to add the graphics.h libraray to you GCC compiler. For this you will have type in the following commands.
On sequentially typing all the above commands you can successfully install the graphics.h library in your GCC compiler of terminal.
for or the other method you need to install the DevC++ compiler.
graphics.h library − The graphic.h library is used to add graphics to your C++ program. For graphic programming, it is a must include library as it contains all required methods.
Syntax for including graphics in c++ program &ninus;
Program to show implementation of graphic programming in c++ −
Other Common functions of of C++ graphic programming are −
arc() − creates arc of a given angle and given radius.
bar() − creates a bar with given coordinates.
circle() − creates a circle of given radius.
closegraph() − it closed the graphics mode and deallocated memory chunks.
ellipse() − creates an ellipse with given major and minor axis.
floodfill() − flood fill is used to fill a specific color to a specific point whose coordinates are given.
line() − creates a line of given starting and ending points.
Mojave traktor pro 2. rectangle() − creates a rectangle with given coordinates.