On ubuntu14.10 how to install libicu-dev. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 4 months ago. Browse other questions tagged ubuntu-14.10 or ask your own question. May 23, 2017  how to run c program in linux terminal how to compile c program in ubuntu how to compile c program in linux using gcc command to run c program in linux how to run a c program in terminal mac how. Dev-C is a full-featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the C/C programming language. It uses Mingw port of GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) as its compiler. It creates native Win32.

swirl and its dependencies require R version 3.1.0 or later as well as a recent version of libcurl. This page is our attempt to collect any information that might be helpful to Linux users wanting to install swirl.

Ubuntu and its derivatives

These instructions have been successfully tested on:

  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin)
  • Linux Mint 16 (Petra)

Dev C Ubuntu 14.10 Windows 10

1. Install the most recent version of R. If you have R installed already, go to #2.

Official source: http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/README

IMPORTANT: In the first line below, precise/ should be replaced with the version of Ubuntu you are using. Other examples: trusty/, saucy/, quantal/, lucid/. If you're not sure which version you have, type cat /etc/*release at the command line.


Most modern Linux distros recommend you not edit /etc/apt/sources.list directly and rather place any additions you want to outlive a package update in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory. With that in mind a best-practices alternative to the command above would be:

Note also that using either of these instructions on a more modern distribution (e.g. Ubuntu 14.10, and probably 14.04) breaks the install, since the package at that source depends on libtiff4, but this has been removed (superseded by libtiff5). How to get poise vst for fl studio download. Happily, users can (and should) skip that step entirely, since a compatible package (R 3.1.1) is already included in that distribution.

PS. Thanks Charl and joegodbehere

2. Confirm that you have R version 3.1.0 or later. If not, return to #1.

3. Get RStudio (optional, but recommended).

Download from http://www.rstudio.com/ide/download/desktop.

4. Install libcurl.

This is required for the RCurl package, which swirl uses to download courses from the internet.

Dev C Ubuntu 14.10 Version

If you're installing on Linux Mint 17:

5. From R or RStudio, install and run swirl.

NOTE: If you upgrading from an earlier version of R, you may need to do install.packages('codetools') before installing swirl.

Other Resources

  • Often, the most challenging part of getting swirl to work on Linux is getting a recent version of R. We've found this blog post to be a helpful resource for installing up-to-date versions of R on a variety of Linux platforms.

  • Official R FAQ: Are there Unix-like binaries for R?

  • Official R installation docs for various Linux distributions:

    • Debian: http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian/
    • openSUSE: http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/suse/README.html
    • Ubuntu: http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/README.html
  • Official R Installation and Administration manual on building R from source: Installing R under Unix-alikes.

  • Download page for curl and libcurl: http://curl.haxx.se/download.html

Fix for graphics not working on Ubuntu: https://gist.github.com/papas8105/2cbd941dceb1678918ea

Also see this issue: https://github.com/swirldev/swirl/issues/498#issuecomment-292078652

These are instructions for people or software developers who want to contribute to the latest version of Remmina on Ubuntu 14.04.

If you are an end user and you want to install the latest version of remmina, please use the 'Remmina Team Ubuntu PPA - next branch', as explained on the homepage of the wiki.

By following these instructions, you will get Remmina and FreeRDP compiled under the /opt/remmina_devel/ subdir, so they will not mess up your system too much. This is ideal for testing remmina.

You will also find the uninstall instructions at the bottom of this page.


  • Initial write: Aug 20 2014.
  • Update Oct 3 2014: changed branch name from gtk3 to next
  • Update Oct 15 2014: addedd -DWITH_CUPS=on -DWITH_WAYLAND=off to freerdp parameters
  • Update Oct 23 2014: tested on ubuntu 14.10
  • Update Oct 29 2014: tested on Mine 17.2 (based on Ubuntu 14.04)
  • Update Oct 29 2015: Found a load of install issued on step 1, changed recommendation from apt-get to aptitude as it reports issues far more lucidly and they all boil down to my having later versions of packages these depend on.
  • Update Nov 23 2015: Added libsecret-1-dev to packages to be installed
  • Update Jan 16 2016: Added libsystemd-dev
  • Update Jan 23 2016: Added libwebkit2gtk-3.0-dev
  • Update Mar 12 2016: Added apt-get remove of some freerdp packages installed from the PPA, removed ubuntu 14.10
  • Update Jan 08 2018: Added libsoup2.4-dev libjson-glib-dev to dependencies

1. Install all packages required to build freerdp and remmina:

And try also to install libsystemd-dev (available only in newer ubuntu)

2. Remove freerdp-x11 package and all packages containing the string remmina in the package name.

3. Create a new directory for development in your home directory, and cd into it

4. Download the latest source code of FreeRDP from its master branch

Dev C Ubuntu 14.10 Free

5. Configure FreeRDP for compilation (don't forget to include -DWITH_PULSE=ON)

Please note that the above line will make FreeRDP install in /opt/remmina_devel/freerdp

6. Compile FreeRDP and install

7. Make your system dynamic loader aware of the new libraries you installed. For Ubuntu x64:

For ubuntu 32 bit you have to change the path of the source lib folder in the first line.

8. Link executable in /usr/local/bin

9. Test the new freerdp by connecting to a RDP host

10. Now clone remmina repository to your devel dir:

Dev C Ubuntu 14.10 1

11. Configure Remmina for compilation

12. Compile remmina and install it

13. Link the executable

14. Run remmina

Please note that icons and launcher files are not installed, so don't search for remmina using Unity Dash.

Uninstall everything

1. Remove the devel directory

2. Remove the binary directory

3. Cleanup symlinks and dynamic loader

Coments are closed
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